Renewed White Eagle Fleet Sparks News Interview With Chief Bishop Grady R. Kent
Immediately after our plane arrived and all the emblems had been painted, the news began to buzz around that "Bishop Kent" had started another church air force. The people of Cleveland, Tennessee were aroused and excited about this incident to the point that our Chief Bishop was interviewed over WBAC Radio in Cleveland, Tennessee, to let the whole city in on all the history of the Flying program. Another lengthy news story was also carried on another radio station telling about the renewed fleet and how it all came about. The local newspaper carried a news story in which it was stated, "Cleveland, Tennessee has become the home base of another church air fleet."
In these interviews and news stories, it was brought out how he sold his home to start the flying program. Also, the Chief Bishop related to thousands, over WBAC's award-winning newscast, "Date Line Cleveland", how he took a pick and shovel and opened up a short runway to operate the airplane program. This small beginning, it was revealed, was responsible for the great growth in flying around the Cleveland area, and also the making of the Cleveland Municipal Airport which is now under improvement construction to make it one of the finest air fields in Tennessee.
The news commentator noted Bishop Kent as being the best known man in the Cleveland are for his flying experience. In another newscast, while telling about the renewed fleet, the true story was also told about Fields of The Wood. It gave the true facts concerning the beginning of the project relating how the Chief Bishop was the man to preach this place out as found in the Bible. It gave his past service in directing and designing the building of Fields of The Wood.
Praise the Lord! Even though some would try to cover the true history of these three projects: the flying program, Fields of The Wood, and the Cleveland Municipal Airport, it has now been made known publicly in the newspapers and radio stations throughout this area. It is now well-settled in the minds of the people that the Chief Bishop (Bishop Grady R. Kent) is the founder of these three mammoth projects.
We commend the newspapers and radio stations for their efforts in getting the true story to the people.
* Article Written By: The Late Grady R. Kent, St. John II, Chief Bishop of The Church of God, 1957-1964. This sermon was taken from The Vision Speaks, Volume 3 : Number 5 : November 1960.
All grammatical and typographical errors have been corrected except for direct quotations from the Author. Thought content of said article has not been changed.