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Speaking of Women…

We all  know that the Bible reveals much activity in a woman's ministry.  It is true that they do not hold the authority as do the men, but no one can dispute the fact that the Bible could not have been made without them and their work.  I want to say something in this article about two women, not that they are the only ones, but that they are noteworthy as were Mary and Martha and others in the Scriptures.  These two women, ministers and prophetesses of our day, have well-proven themselves as God-moved instruments.  They have been one of the greatest means of leading the women in the Reformation.  They are prophetesses Louise Brownlee and Martha Looper.

I met Sister Martha Looper when she was only a young girl, and I shall never forget her in the pulpit in Lancaster, South Carolina, full of fire and zeal for the Lord.  I seemed to expect her to be great in the Lord, and truly my expectations did not let me down.  Sister Looper is a woman full of Bible wisdom and knowledge, who has preached to thousands.

I recall at one time in one of her messages, she preached on the subject of the Grasshopper.  While she was preaching, a grasshopper flew in and lit on her finger in front of her, helping her to put over a point.  She continued to preach, and the grasshopper remained on her finger for about thirty minutes, and when she began to finish her message, it flew away.  The hundreds who saw it rejoiced at the miracle even though it was simple.  Many incidents that could be called miracles have made their appearance in her ministry, but space does not permit me to put it all in writing.

When I found Sister Louise Brownlee, she was an invalid from a heart ailment that made her unable to her housework and the necessary things at home.  An amazing thing occurred one night in service when I was giving an opportunity for healing.  She arose from her seat to come forward to be healed.  That night, there were seven people altogether who came forward to be healed.  She run and jumped and praised God.  She was loosed from this ailment and began a great ministry.  Her work has been great among the women, and truly it can be said as it was of the Bible women, that she has ministered to the Body of Christ and that this shall be remembered.

Much could be said about both of these women that would take a book, but I felt like writing this note of recognition and appreciation to these two, as well as all our good women who have assisted and aided in this pioneer trip for seven years.  God bless other women who have helped them, and may we continue in this fight for the victory which these next seven years will bring us.


Article Written By:  The Late Grady R. Kent, St. John II, Chief Bishop of The Church of God, 1957-1964. This sermon was taken from The Vision Speaks, Volume No. 7 - Number 9, Dated  March 1964.

All grammatical and typographical errors have been corrected except for direct quotations from the Author.  Thought content of said article has not been changed.

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