World's Largest Cross Dedicated Voice of God Approves 2nd Feast
I beheld the great Second Annual Feast of Pentecost as it took its shape in the fulfillment of Galatians 4:19, 'My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you...' I beheld the Church, the City of the living God, as its revelation took shape in the vision of the World's Largest Cross, laying on seven acres of land called Jerusalem Acres, in the fulfillment of the writing of the vision as it is commanded in Habakkuk 2:2-3. And I beheld it as it portrayed the vision of Ephesians 2:16, '...And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby.'
My subject is too lengthy to try to describe in the writing of my article in this issue of this publication. It would take a book to describe its meaning, and then, I do not believe the subject would be given justice. This cross, 656 feet in length with the cross piece being 294 feet long, contains a marker for every created tribe of God on the face of the earth both among Israel and among the Gentiles. It also portrays the hour powers in the days of Israel and the four powers in the days of the Gentiles. At the head there is an appearance as of a throne and a rainbow, where two flags fly--one the Kingdom of David flag as it flew in the days of David, and the other, the Church flag as it will fly in the thousand years' reign. David's flag is on the left side facing east, and the Church flag is on the right side facing east. The flag of the Anointed flies at the east end of the Information Book and bears the embroidered words, "Jesus Christ, The Anointed One". You enter the cross at each of the four ends by coming through three gates which portrays the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, The Church, according to its pattern in heaven.
The Sunday afternoon service before the Feast of Pentecost was a dedication service. It was conducted at the rainbow entrance on Temple Hill. There was a large number of people present, including all of the Twelve Apostles, who raised the flags of the four and twenty Elders on their markers of the cross. The Seven stood in the center of the cross where a beautiful flower bed and seven lights which light the boulevard area. This will give you a description of what the vision is coming to on Jerusalem Acres--that we are by faith writing the vision to make it speak at the end. What say ye? It is already speaking.
FEAST OF PENTECOST - Monday, June 3, 1963, the Feast of Pentecost opened with a preliminary program at the Publishing House and service at the Tabernacle of Witness. Again let me say, there are not words, not to speak of space, that can describe the greatness and the glories of the Second Annual Feast of Pentecost. Waves after waves of glory swept through the congregation, and many times the house was filled to its capacity with many of them shouting and dancing for joy, as the Holy Ghost performed His many signs and wonders, revealing the mind of God.
On several occasions, there were outpourings of the Holy Ghost. Each auxiliary brought manifestations of the approval of God upon its thunder and its work. I heard many who were present say that never before in their life had they seen anything so wonderful. Many times fear fell upon the entire congregation. It was revealed to me the depths of the meaning of Acts 18:21 when Paul said that he must be all means keep this feast which is at Jerusalem.
Now, that we have restored the Feast of Pentecost, we have received greetings from other countries and other church organizations from as far away as the northern tip of the continent of Africa. Many of the Apostles and others, who preached out different subjects such as "The Two Loaves" and "The Wheat and Barley Harvest", brought our minds to the reality of the harvest and the Feast of Pentecost. They brought our minds to the significance of the two barley loaves and the wheat in the garner. The Feast made us to realize the depths of the two fishes and five little barley loaves. The reality of the former and latter rain was brought forth. You can read the Bible, but if you had attended the Feast of Pentecost, you would have seen it in visible operation as those who made up the New Testament.
I am sure that the many articles in this issue of the paper will give you more understanding of what I have tried to describe. Can you realize the full meaning of Ephesians 3:8-10 and Romans 1:29-20? If you can, my dear reader, you are able to see the vision of all as it is prepared and is being spoken to all the inhabitants of this world, to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery. And, according to Acts 15:18 in speaking of the Gentiles, known unto god are all His works from the beginning of the world, declaring the end from the beginning.